
【Proteintech】IHC Reagent Kits and Supporting Products

【Proteintech】IHC Reagent Kits and Supporting Products


IHC Reagent Kits and Supporting Products 

IHC reagent kits and supporting products 特色

靈活性: 試劑套組的多樣選擇,無論您需要整個 IHC 工作流程的試劑還是只需要其中一部分試劑,都能滿足您的需求

兼容性: 無論是 IHC reagent kits 或是 antigen retrieval buffers 都適用於任何品牌的抗體

便利性: Proteintech 呈現優化過的 IHC 試劑,幫助您節省金錢與時間


IHC kits 試劑內容物


Antigen Retrieval Buffers 抗原修復緩衝液 )

適用於熱誘導 (heat-induced epitope retrieval, HIER) & 蛋白酶誘導 (proteolytic-induced epitope retrieval, PIER) 的抗原修復緩衝液





  1. Proteintech IHC Reagent Kits and IHCeasy Ready-to-use IHC Kits
  2. Proteintech IHC Prep & Detect Kits
    Contains all the basic reagents that you would need for developing your own IHC workflow.

  3. Proteintech IHC Detect Kits
    Enables highly sensitive target detection utilizing polymer HRP secondary antibodies

  4. Proteintech Supporting Products 

    Antigen Retrieval Buffers

    Buffers for heat-induced and protease-induced antigen retrieval.

    Hydrophobic IHC Pens
    Hydrophobic IHC pens for preventing unnecessary wastage of reagents during IHC experiments

  5. 【ABreal】FlexAble Antibody Labeling Kits
    應用項目 Immunofluorescence, Western blotting, Flow cytometry




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