


【Proteintech】2022 年精彩回顧篇!


2022 年在紛擾之間到了尾聲,這段時間經歷 SARS-COV 疫情爆發


在一切漸漸歸於平靜的 2022 年末,跟自己說聲「辛苦了!」,感謝面對重重難關仍勇往直前的自己。

那麼在過去的這一年,Proteintech 又做了什麼改變和進步呢?



In 2022, Proteintech launched about……



Primary Antibodies


250+ Polyclonal Antibodies, 230+ Monoclonal Antibodies, 80+  Recombinant Antibodies



FlexAble Antibody Labeling Kits

Conjugate Size Compatible with
CoraLite Plus 405 10 rxn, 50 rxn, 200 rxn Rabbit IgG, Mouse IgG1
FITC Plus 10 rxn, 50 rxn, 200 rxn Rabbit IgG, Mouse IgG1
CoraLite 488 10 rxn, 50 rxn, 200 rxn Rabbit IgG, Mouse IgG1
CoraLite Plus 550 10 rxn, 50 rxn, 200 rxn Rabbit IgG, Mouse IgG1
CoraLite Plus 650 10 rxn, 50 rxn, 200 rxn Rabbit IgG, Mouse IgG1
CoraLite Plus 750 10 rxn, 50 rxn, 200 rxn Rabbit IgG, Mouse IgG1


CoraLite Plus spectra

Proteintech's CoraLite Plus excitation and emission


CoraLite and CoraLite Plus dyes 的亮度與 Alexa Fluor® dyes 相當。由於重疊熒光光譜最小,可同時用於共定位研究 (co-localization studies)

FlexAble 的 CoraLite 系列 實現更快、更簡單的多重檢測。


未來還會新增更多dyes/specificities ~ This is just the start!





ELISA kits



What you can expect from a Proteintech ELISA Kit?

  • Quick and simple to use

  • Detects quantitative protein level in serum, plasma or supernatant of cell lysates

  • High sensitivity and broad assay range

  • Delivers consistent results with high reproducibility

  • Kits conveniently include protein standards and strip-well plates



IHCeasy kits, IHC Reagent Kits, and Supporting Products 





Proteintech 的產品深受全球研究人員喜愛,截止至 2022 年已高達 17 篇論文使用 Proteintech 的產品,並獲得 2022 CiteAb Awards 中的最佳研究人員選擇獎 ('Researchers choice' award)

ChromoTek 獲得 2022 CiteAb Awards 中的年度環境永續獎 ('Environmental Initiative of the Year' award)





Proteintech 產品線 Flow antibodies, ELISA kits 以及 HumanKine cytokines and growth factors 推出更實在的價格,心動不如馬上行動~

快加入線上下單的行列吧Line ID: @abreal



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2022 的結束 2023 的相見~ ⋆︎* ⁑⋆︎* Happy New Tear ⋆︎* ⁑⋆︎*⋆︎* ⁑⋆︎*





  1. 【環球生技】Proteintech 收購首家人源蛋白商 HumanZyme 有成 助攻細胞與基因治療研究

  2. ABrealProteintech FlexAble Antibody Labeling Kits

  3. ABrealProteintech IHC Reagent Kits and Supporting Products

  4. ProteintechProteintech and ChromoTek win Citeab Awards






歡迎洽詢業務專員或加入倍思特 Line@: @abreal